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Version: 1.1

Fraudio Data Schema


Here is Fraudio's full data schema, containing all of the data fields that we use, along with other useful information such as data type, priority level (by product), field description, and the API Endpoint that uses that field.

The schema is organised by API endpoint, which enables you to quickly locate all relevant fields associated with each endpoint.

User guide

First, select the Fraudio product you're using:

  • Payment Fraud Detection (for issuers)
  • Payment Fraud Detection (for acquirers or payment processors)
  • Merchant-Initiated Fraud Detection, or AML (Anti Money Laundering)

Filtering results

You can then optionally:

  • Filter by API endpoint to show only the fields which relate to that endpoint
  • Filter data fields by priority level
  • Use the search bar to quickly find the information you need
  • Sort by any column you'd like

Data Schema

Select Fraudio product:
Select an API endpoint group...
Select data fields by priority level:
API EndpointFieldData TypePayment Fraud (Acquirer / Processor)Description
Payment Fraud ScoretransactionidStringCritical & Required
The unique identifier of the transaction event. Every transaction event, so auth, capture, auth_capture, etc., has its own unique ID.
Payment Fraud ScoretransactiontypeStringCritical & Required
The type of transaction event, for events that need to be scored.

Accepted values are:
- auth: An authorization is used to reserve funds on the customer's card without yet deducting them.
- auth_capture: A simultaneous combination of auth and capture in the same transaction, for when there is no need to perform these operations separately.
Payment Fraud ScoretimestampDoubleCritical & Required
The UTC time at which the transaction was made. When sending events in realtime, this will usually be 'now'. Only Unix Timestamps are accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoreamountDoubleCritical & Required
The transaction amount in the unit specified by the 'currencyunit' field. Note: The unit used in this field should be explicitly stated in the 'currencyunit' field.
Payment Fraud ScorecurrencyStringCritical & Required
The 3-digit ISO code for the currency used in the transaction.
Payment Fraud ScorecurrencyunitStringCritical & Required
This field defines the unit of currency used in the 'amount' field. Accepts only major (e.g., 12.30) or minor (e.g., 1230) unit values. This choice should align with the unit used in the 'amount' field.
Payment Fraud ScorechannelStringCritical & Required
Indicates the specific type of channel used for a transaction.

Accepted values with their description:
- ecom: Ecommerce transaction, this is a card-not-present transaction done over the internet.
- pos: Point of Sale transaction, also known as card-present.
- moto: A mail or telephone order is a card-not-present transaction where the cardholder gives permission to process the transaction by providing order and payment details by mail (not email), fax, or telephone.
Payment Fraud ScorecustomerStringCritical & Required
The name of Fraudio's client that makes the API call.
Payment Fraud ScoremerchantStringCritical & Required
The name or identifier of the merchant. This field uniquely identifies the merchant, and should not be confused with the MID. Any name or unique identifier is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoremcccodeStringCritical & Required
A Merchant Category Code (MCC) is a four-digit number listed for financial services. An MCC is used to classify a business by the types of goods or services it provides. Only ISO 18245 mcc codes are accepted.
Payment Fraud ScorecardbinStringCritical & Required
The Bank Identification Number (BIN), also known as the Issuer Identification Number (IIN), is the first six or eight digits of the card number.
Payment Fraud ScoreresponsecodeStringCritical & Required
The response code is a numerical code that indicates the outcome of authorization checks of issuing banks. The code must be a 2 character ISO8583-1987 response.
Payment Fraud ScoresuccessStringCritical & Required
This indicates the overall result of the transaction.

Accepted values are:
- true: Transaction fully completed without any failures (both technical and non-technical).
- false: Any part of the transaction failed or did not meet the necessary criteria, regardless of technical success.
- none: The outcome of the transaction is uncertain or not yet known.
Please use true only for fully successful transactions. Use false if there's any doubt or known issues, and none when outcome information is incomplete.
Payment Fraud ScoreacceptorcountryStringImportant
Countrycode of country where the card acceptor is located. Only ISO 3166-1 numeric country codes are accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoreacceptoripStringImportant
The acceptor IP address is the IP address of the card acceptor's terminal. For card-present transactions this terminal, which is used by the merchant to process payments, is typically located on the merchant's premises.
Payment Fraud ScoreavsresultStringImportant
AVS (Address Verification System) result is the outcome of a check performed for Card-not-Present and MOTO transactions on the billing address provided by the shopper to see if the provided address matches the address on file with the card issuer.

Accepted values are:
- A: Addresses match/ZIP codes do not.
- B: Street addresses match, but ZIP codes not verified due to incompatible formats.
- C: Street address and postal/ZIP codes not verified due to incompatible formats.
- D: Street addresses and postal/ZIP codes match (VISA).
Customer name incorrect, ZIP codes match (AMEX / JCB).
- E: Customer name incorrect, billing address and ZIP code match.
- F: Street addresses and postal codes match (VISA). Customer name incorrect, billing address matches (AMEX / JCB).
- G: Address information not verified for international transaction.
- I: Address information not verified.
- K: Customer name matches.
- L: Customer name and ZIP code match.
- M: Street addresses and postal/ZIP codes match.
- N: No match.
- O: Customer name and billing address match.
- P: Postal/ZIP codes match. Acquirer sent both postal/ZIP code and street address, but street address not verified due to incompatible formats.
- R: Retry: System unavailable or timed out. Issuer ordinarily performs address verification but was unavailable.
- S: AVS not supported.
- T: Nine-digit zip code matches, address does not match.
- U: Information is unavailable.
- W: For U.S. Addresses, nine-digit postal code matches, address does not. For address outside the U.S. postal code matches, address does not (MasterCard / Discover). Customer name, billing address, and postal code are all correct ( AMEX / JCB).
- X: For U.S. addresses, nine-digit postal code and addresses matches. For addresses outside the U.S., postal code and address match.
- Y: Street address and postal/ZIP match.
- Z: Postal/ZIP match, street addresses do not match or street address not included in request.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Fraud ScoreavsusedStringImportant
Indicates if AVS (Address Verification System) is enabled. AVS checks are performed for Card-not-Present and MOTO transactions on the billing address provided by the shopper to see if the provided address matches the address on file with the card issuer. This helps verify the identity of the shopper vs the actual cardholder. It is more likely that the shopper is the cardholder when the billing address details match.
Before authentication it can already be known whether AVS is enabled, the result (avsresult) will only be known after authentication.

Accepted values are:
- true: AVS enabled.
- false: AVS disabled.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Fraud ScorecardexpirydateStringImportant
The expiry date of the card. Accepted format: MM/yy.
Payment Fraud ScorecardtokenStringImportant
The card token is the encryption that is used to identify the credit card. Any salted hash is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScorecavvresultStringImportant
The Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (CAVV) is a value that allows VISA to validate the integrity of the Verified by Visa (VbV) transaction data for VISA 3Ds transactions.

Accepted values are:
- 0: CAVV authentication results invalid, no verification performed.
- 1: CAVV failed verification (authentication), Issuer approves authorization.
- 2: CAVV passed verification (authentication), Issuer approves authorization.
- 3: CAVV passed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- 4: CAVV failed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- 5: Not Used - Reserved.
- 6: CAVV not verified (VisaNet flag for Issuer not selected), Issuer approves authorization.
- 7: CAVV failed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- 8: CAVV passed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- 9: CAVV failed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- A: CAVV passed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- B: CAVV passed verification (authentication).
- C: CAVV failed verification (attempt).
- D: CAVV failed verification (authentication).
- none: Unknown.
Payment Fraud ScorecavvusedStringImportant
Indicates if Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (CAVV) is enabled for the transaction. Before authentication it can already be known whether CAVV is enabled, the result (cavvresult) will only be known after authentication.

Accepted values are:
- true: CAVV enabled.
- false: CAVV disabled.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Fraud ScorechannelsubtypeStringImportant
Indicates the subtype of channel used for a transaction. This is a subfield of channel.

Accepted values with their description:
- paymentlink: The payment is done using a link that is shared by the merchant, also known as PayByLink transactions.
- telephoneorder: MoTo transactions where the order and payment details are provided by telephone.
- mailorder: MoTo transactions where the order and payment details are provided by mail (not email).
- none: Unknown.
Payment Fraud ScorecvvresultStringImportant
Card Verification Value (CVV) result is the outcome of a check performed on the security code provided by the shopper to see if it matches the code on file with the card issuer.

Accepted values:
- M: CVV2 Match.
- N: CVV2 No Match.
- P: Not processed.
- S: CVV2 should be on the card.
- U: Issuer does not participate in CVV2 service, or participates but has not provided the encryption keys, or both.
- X: No response from association.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Fraud ScorecvvusedStringImportant
Indicates if Card Verification Value (CVV) checks are done for the transaction. Card Verification Value (CVV) checs are performed on the security code provided by the shopper to see if it matches the code on file with the card issuer. Before authentication it can already be known whether CVV is enabled, the result (cvvresult) will only be known after authentication.

Accepted values are:
- true: CVV checks are done.
- false: CVV checks are not done.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Fraud ScoreeciStringImportant
The Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI) is the value indicating the outcome of 3D-Secure (3DS) authentication attempted on transactions where 3DS is enabled. Different card schemes use different values.

Accepted values for Visa / American Express / JCB / Discover / Diners are:
- 05: Both cardholder and card issuing bank are 3D enabled. 3D card authentication is successful.
- 06: Either cardholder or card issuing bank is not 3D enrolled.
- 07: Authentication is unsuccessful or not attempted.
- none: Unknown.

Accepted values for MasterCard are:

- 02: Both cardholder and card issuing bank are 3D enabled. 3D card authentication is successful.
- 01: Either cardholder or card issuing bank is not 3D enrolled.
- 00: Authentication is unsuccessful or not attempted.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Fraud ScorelastfourdigitsStringImportant
The last four digits of the card number.
Payment Fraud ScoremerchantcountryStringImportant
Countrycode of country where the merchant is registered. Only ISO 3166-1 numeric country codes are accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoremerchantipStringImportant
The IP address of the merchant refers to the IP address where the merchant is registered. It is important to distinguish between the acceptor IP and the merchant IP. The acceptor IP is the location of the merchant's server where the payment is received. Therefore, a merchant can have multiple acceptor IPs, but only one merchant IP.
Payment Fraud ScoremidStringImportant
The MID, or Merchant ID, is a unique identifier assigned to a merchant by their payment processor. It's important to note that the MID does not uniquely identify the merchant, but rather it identifies the merchant's account. This is because a merchant can have multiple MIDs, as they may have separate merchant accounts for different aspects of their business.
Payment Fraud ScoreparenttransactionidStringImportant
The identifier that links separate events of one transaction. The parenttransactionid can link auths with captures, voids and refunds and it can link auth_captures with refunds and voids. Any name or unique identifier is accepted.

For example: In order to link a capture with an authorization, you need to specify the transactionid of the corresponding auth or auth_capture as the parenttransactionid
Payment Fraud ScoreposentrymodeStringImportant
The Point of Sale (POS) entry mode is the code (3 digits) that identifies the method used to capture the PAN entry mode and the PIN entry capability. ISO 8583 (field 22) POS entry mode consists of 2 parts:
1. PAN (Primary Account Number) entry mode (the first 2 digits):
- 00: Unknown.
- 01: Key entered / Manual.
- 02: Magnetic stripe.
- 03: Bar code.
- 05: ICC (integrated circuit card, that is, chip).
- 07: Auto entry via contactless EMV.
- 10: Merchant has Cardholder Credentials on File.
- 80: Fallback from integrated circuit card (ICC) to magnetic stripe.
- 81: Electronic commerce.
- 91: Auto entry via contactless magnetic stripe.
2. PIN entry capability (the third digit):
- 0: Unknown
- 1: Terminal can accept PINs.
- 2: Terminal cannot accept PINs.
- none: Completely unknown posentrymode.
Payment Fraud ScorerecurringStringImportant
Indicates if the payment is recurring or not.

Accepted values are:
- true: Is recurring.
- false: is not recurring.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Fraud ScorethreedsusedStringImportant
Indicates if 3D-Secure (3DS) is enabled for the transaction. Before authentication it can already be known whether 3DS is enabled, the result (eci) will only be known after authentication.

Accepted values are:
- true: 3-D Secure has been used.
- false: 3-D Secure has not been used.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Fraud ScoretransactioncountryStringImportant
The country code of the shopper's device from which the card-not-present transaction is made. Only ISO 3166-1 numeric country codes are accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoretransactionipStringImportant
IP-address of the shopper's device with which the card-not-present transaction is made.
Payment Fraud ScoregatewaydeclinereasonStringImportant
The gateway decline reason is a code provided by the payment gateway indicating the reason for a declined transaction. Declinecodes differ from gateway to gateway, therefore the reason of the decline is preferred. Any declinereason is accepted. E.g. Application Incomplete, Duplicate, Fraud, Risk Thresholds, Card Disabled.
Payment Fraud ScoreshopperemailStringSupplementary
The email address of the shopper.
Payment Fraud ScoreshoppernameStringSupplementary
The name or identifier of the shopper. Any name or unique identifier is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoreshopperphonenumberStringSupplementary
The phone number of the shopper.
Payment Fraud ScoreacceptorcityStringSupplementary
City where the card acceptor is located. Any city name is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoreacceptoridStringSupplementary
The name or identifier of the acceptor. Any name or unique identifier is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoreacceptorpostalcodeStringSupplementary
Postal code where the card acceptor is located. Any postal code is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoreacceptorstatecodeStringSupplementary
State where the card acceptor is located. Any state code is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoreacceptorstreetaddressStringSupplementary
Street address where the card acceptor is located. Without acceptorip this field becomes important. Any street address is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoreacquirerStringSupplementary
The acquirer is a financial institution with whom the merchant has a bank account.
Payment Fraud ScoreacquirercountryStringSupplementary
Countrycode of country where the acquirer is registered. Only ISO 3166-1 numeric country codes are accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoreauthresultStringSupplementary
Indicates if the transaction successfully passed all authentication and authorization checks. Accepted values are:
- fail: failed authentication and authorization.
- success: successful authentication and authorization.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Fraud ScorebookingdateDoubleSupplementary
The date and time when a reservation or booking was made, applicable to services like hotels, flights, events, and car rentals. Only Unix Timestamps (UTC) are accepted.
Payment Fraud ScorebookingprocessingdateDoubleSupplementary
The date and time when a booking was processed or confirmed, which may differ from the booking date, applicable across various service sectors. Only Unix Timestamps (UTC) are accepted.
Payment Fraud ScorebookingreferenceStringSupplementary
A unique code or number for identifying and tracking a booking in various service industries, from travel to event management. This code is generally a customer-facing identifier provided as a confirmation of a booking, used by the customer to reference, manage, or modify their reservation.
Payment Fraud ScorecardaccessStringSupplementary
Information on how the card was accessed. Accepted values are:
- pinaccess: Card is accessed by using a pincode.
- signatureaccess: Card is accessed by using a signature.
- hybrid: Card is accessed by using a pincode and a signature.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Fraud ScorecardholderStringSupplementary
The name or identifier of the cardholder. This is not the same as the cardtoken, as a cardholder can have multiple credit cards (cardtokens). Any name or unique identifier is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScorecardholderemailStringSupplementary
The email address of the card holder.
Payment Fraud ScorecardholderphonenumberStringSupplementary
The phone number of the card holder.
Payment Fraud ScorecheckindateDoubleSupplementary
The date when a customer or guest is scheduled to start their service, like arriving at a hotel, boarding a flight, or picking up a rental car. Only Unix Timestamps (UTC) are accepted.
Payment Fraud ScorecheckoutdateDoubleSupplementary
The date when the service concludes, such as the end of a hotel stay, return of a rental car, or completion of an event. Only Unix Timestamps (UTC) are accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoreddresultStringSupplementary
The dynamic descriptor result returned by the processor is the text that represents businesses on bank account statements. Can be up to 22 characters long.
Payment Fraud ScoredeviceidStringSupplementary
The mobile device id or any other device id. Any id is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoredeviceosStringSupplementary
The operating system (os) of the mobile device. Any os is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoredevicephonenumberStringSupplementary
The phone number of the mobile device. Any phone number is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoreinitialrecurringStringSupplementary
Indicates if the transaction is the first of a series of recurring transactions. Accepted values are:

- true: The transaction is the first of a series of recurring transactions.
- false: The transaction is not the first of a series of recurring transactions.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Fraud ScoremerchantadvicecodeStringSupplementary
The merchant advice code is a code provided by the merchant's payment processor that indicates the reason for a declined transaction, and how it can be retried.
Payment Fraud ScoremerchantcityStringSupplementary
City where the merchant is registered. Without merchantip this field becomes important. Any city is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoremerchantpostalcodeStringSupplementary
Postal code where the merchant is registered. Without merchantip this field becomes important. Any postal code is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoremerchantstatecodeStringSupplementary
State where the merchant is registered. Without merchantip this field becomes important. Any state code is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoremerchantstreetaddressStringSupplementary
Street address where the merchant is registered. Without merchantip this field becomes important. Any street address is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoreoperationdateDoubleSupplementary
The scheduled date and time for a specific operation, such as a hotel stay, flight, event attendance, or car rental period. Only Unix Timestamps (UTC) are accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoreoperationidStringSupplementary
This is a unique identifier used internally by service providers to manage and track a variety of operational activities, including hotel reservations, flights, events, and car rentals, across different service-oriented industries.
Payment Fraud ScoreprocessorStringSupplementary
A payment processor is a company (often a third party) appointed by a merchant to handle transactions from various channels such as credit cards and debit cards for merchant acquiring banks.
Payment Fraud ScoreproxyusedStringSupplementary
Indicates whether a proxy server was used.
Payment Fraud ScorerecurringparentidStringSupplementary
The identifier that links back to the initial recurring transaction (the first of a series of recurring transactions).
Payment Fraud ScoresubmerchantStringSupplementary
The name or identifier of the submerchant, which is a merchant that processes under a payment service provider or payment facilitator. These services use one merchant account to process the transactions of many sub-merchants, thereby eliminating the need for each sub-merchant to open and maintain a fully-fledged merchant account. Any name or unique identifier is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoreterminaltypeStringSupplementary
The type of unattended POS terminal, also known as Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) types.

Accepted values are:
- cat1: Automated Dispensing Machine
- cat2: Self Service Terminal
- cat3: Limited Amount Terminal
- cat4: InFlight Terminal
- cat6: Electronic Commerce
- cat7: Transponder
- cat9: MPOS (mobile POS)
- none: Unknown.
Payment Fraud ScoretransactioncityStringSupplementary
City of the shopper's device with which the card-not-present transaction is made
Payment Fraud ScoretransactionpostalcodeStringSupplementary
Postal code of the shopper's device with which the card-not-present transaction is made.
Payment Fraud ScoretransactionstatecodeStringSupplementary
State of the shopper's device with which the card-not-present transaction is made.
Payment Fraud ScoretransactionstreetaddressStringSupplementary
Street address of the shopper's device with which the card-not-present transaction is made.
Payment Fraud ScoreucafindicatorStringSupplementary
The Universal Cardholder Authentication (UCAF) indicator indicates to what extend the UCAF data collection is supported for MasterCard 3DS transactions.

Accepted values are:
- 0: UCAF data collection is not supported by the merchant.
- 1: UCAF data collection is supported by the merchant, and UCAF data may be present and contain an attempted AAV.
- 2: UCAF data collection is supported by the merchant and UCAF data must be present and contain a fully authenticated AAV.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Fraud ScorekyclevelStringSupplementary
The Know-Your-Customer level of the merchant. Any indication level is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScorelimitprofileStringSupplementary
The limit profile of a merchant is a set of limits imposed on the daily/weekly/monthly transaction amounts. A low limit profile number denotes low limits on all transactions.
Payment Fraud ScoremerchantemailStringSupplementary
The email address of the merchant.
Payment Fraud ScoremerchantturnoverStringSupplementary
Expected monthly turnover (auths and authcaptures) to be processed through the merchant’s account in euros.
Payment Fraud ScoremerchanturlStringSupplementary
URL of merchant web site or page where transaction took place. Any URL is accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoreregistrationdateDoubleSupplementary
The time UTC at which the merchant got registered. Only Unix Timestamps are accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoreuboStringSupplementary
The full name of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO). The UBO is the individual that is registered as the owner of the merchant account.
Payment Fraud ScoreubocountryStringSupplementary
Countrycode of country where the ubo is registered. Only ISO 3166-1 numeric country codes are accepted.
Payment Fraud ScoregatewayStringSupplementary
A payment gateway is a merchant service that facilitates a payment transaction by the transfer of information between a payment portal (such as a website, mobile phone or interactive voice response service) and the front end processor or acquiring bank.
Payment Fraud ScoreisoStringSupplementary
The full name of the Independent Sales Organisation (ISO) that accepts credit card payments for the merchant account that is in its portfolio.
Payment Fraud ScoreisocountryStringSupplementary
The country of the ISO.
Payment Fraud ScorekyclevelnormDoubleSupplementary
A normalized know-your-customer level of the merchant between 0 and 1, where 0 is a totally unknown and untrusted merchant and 1 is a fully known and absolutely trusted merchant.
Payment Fraud ScoreocptenabledStringSupplementary
Indicates if ocpt is enabled for this merchant. When ocpt is enabled, payout back to the cardholder is supported.
Payment Fraud ScorepayfacStringSupplementary
The full name of the Payment Facilitator that has the merchant account in its portfolio.
Payment Fraud ScorepayfaccountryStringSupplementary
The country of the Payment Facilitator.
Payment Fraud ScoreuboemailStringSupplementary
The email address of the ubo.
Payment Fraud ScoreubophonenumberStringSupplementary
The phone number of the ubo.
Payment Fraud ScoreubostreetaddressStringSupplementary
Street address where the ubo is registered. Without merchantip this field becomes important. Any street address is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmenttransactionidStringCritical & Required
The unique identifier of the transaction event. Every transaction event, so auth, capture, auth_capture, etc., has its own unique ID.
Payment Events EnrichmenttransactiontypeStringCritical & Required
The type of transaction event, for events that do not need scoring.

Accepted values are:
- auth: An authorization is used to reserve funds on the customer's card without yet deducting them.
- capture: A capture is used to immediately deduct authorised funds (up to the amount auth'd) from a customer's card. A capture should always be linked to at least one authorization via the parenttransactionid.
- auth_capture: A simultaneous combination of auth and capture in the same transaction, for when there is no need to perform these operations separately.
- refund: A refund transaction returns credit to a customer's payment method.
- void: A void transaction is the explicit discarding of authorization of funds.
- top_up: Increases the available credit of a credit card.
- incremental_auth: A transaction that increases the authorised amount of a confirmed auth transaction that has not yet been captured.
- reversal: A reversal cancels the transaction and re-credits the customer's payment method. This happens directly after the transaction has taken place but before the funds have been fully processed.
- none: Use only when the transactiontype is unknown.
Payment Events EnrichmenttimestampDoubleCritical & Required
The UTC time at which the transaction was made. When sending events in realtime, this will usually be 'now'. Only Unix Timestamps are accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentamountDoubleCritical & Required
The transaction amount in the unit specified by the 'currencyunit' field. Note: The unit used in this field should be explicitly stated in the 'currencyunit' field.
Payment Events EnrichmentcurrencyStringCritical & Required
The 3-digit ISO code for the currency used in the transaction.
Payment Events EnrichmentcurrencyunitStringCritical & Required
This field defines the unit of currency used in the 'amount' field. Accepts only major (e.g., 12.30) or minor (e.g., 1230) unit values. This choice should align with the unit used in the 'amount' field.
Payment Events EnrichmentchannelStringCritical & Required
Indicates the specific type of channel used for a transaction.

Accepted values with their description:
- ecom: Ecommerce transaction, this is a card-not-present transaction done over the internet.
- pos: Point of Sale transaction, also known as card-present.
- moto: A mail or telephone order is a card-not-present transaction where the cardholder gives permission to process the transaction by providing order and payment details by mail (not email), fax, or telephone.
Payment Events EnrichmentcustomerStringCritical & Required
The name of Fraudio's client that makes the API call.
Payment Events EnrichmentmerchantStringCritical & Required
The name or identifier of the merchant. This field uniquely identifies the merchant, and should not be confused with the MID. Any name or unique identifier is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentmcccodeStringCritical & Required
A Merchant Category Code (MCC) is a four-digit number listed for financial services. An MCC is used to classify a business by the types of goods or services it provides. Only ISO 18245 mcc codes are accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentcardbinStringCritical & Required
The Bank Identification Number (BIN), also known as the Issuer Identification Number (IIN), is the first six or eight digits of the card number.
Payment Events EnrichmentresponsecodeStringCritical & Required
The response code is a numerical code that indicates the outcome of authorization checks of issuing banks. The code must be a 2 character ISO8583-1987 response.
Payment Events EnrichmentsuccessStringCritical & Required
This indicates the overall result of the transaction.

Accepted values are:
- true: Transaction fully completed without any failures (both technical and non-technical).
- false: Any part of the transaction failed or did not meet the necessary criteria, regardless of technical success.
- none: The outcome of the transaction is uncertain or not yet known.
Please use true only for fully successful transactions. Use false if there's any doubt or known issues, and none when outcome information is incomplete.
Payment Events EnrichmentacceptorcountryStringImportant
Countrycode of country where the card acceptor is located. Only ISO 3166-1 numeric country codes are accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentacceptoripStringImportant
The acceptor IP address is the IP address of the card acceptor's terminal. For card-present transactions this terminal, which is used by the merchant to process payments, is typically located on the merchant's premises.
Payment Events EnrichmentavsresultStringImportant
AVS (Address Verification System) result is the outcome of a check performed for Card-not-Present and MOTO transactions on the billing address provided by the shopper to see if the provided address matches the address on file with the card issuer.

Accepted values are:
- A: Addresses match/ZIP codes do not.
- B: Street addresses match, but ZIP codes not verified due to incompatible formats.
- C: Street address and postal/ZIP codes not verified due to incompatible formats.
- D: Street addresses and postal/ZIP codes match (VISA).
Customer name incorrect, ZIP codes match (AMEX / JCB).
- E: Customer name incorrect, billing address and ZIP code match.
- F: Street addresses and postal codes match (VISA). Customer name incorrect, billing address matches (AMEX / JCB).
- G: Address information not verified for international transaction.
- I: Address information not verified.
- K: Customer name matches.
- L: Customer name and ZIP code match.
- M: Street addresses and postal/ZIP codes match.
- N: No match.
- O: Customer name and billing address match.
- P: Postal/ZIP codes match. Acquirer sent both postal/ZIP code and street address, but street address not verified due to incompatible formats.
- R: Retry: System unavailable or timed out. Issuer ordinarily performs address verification but was unavailable.
- S: AVS not supported.
- T: Nine-digit zip code matches, address does not match.
- U: Information is unavailable.
- W: For U.S. Addresses, nine-digit postal code matches, address does not. For address outside the U.S. postal code matches, address does not (MasterCard / Discover). Customer name, billing address, and postal code are all correct ( AMEX / JCB).
- X: For U.S. addresses, nine-digit postal code and addresses matches. For addresses outside the U.S., postal code and address match.
- Y: Street address and postal/ZIP match.
- Z: Postal/ZIP match, street addresses do not match or street address not included in request.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Events EnrichmentavsusedStringImportant
Indicates if AVS (Address Verification System) is enabled. AVS checks are performed for Card-not-Present and MOTO transactions on the billing address provided by the shopper to see if the provided address matches the address on file with the card issuer. This helps verify the identity of the shopper vs the actual cardholder. It is more likely that the shopper is the cardholder when the billing address details match.
Before authentication it can already be known whether AVS is enabled, the result (avsresult) will only be known after authentication.

Accepted values are:
- true: AVS enabled.
- false: AVS disabled.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Events EnrichmentcardexpirydateStringImportant
The expiry date of the card. Accepted format: MM/yy.
Payment Events EnrichmentcardtokenStringImportant
The card token is the encryption that is used to identify the credit card. Any salted hash is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentcavvresultStringImportant
The Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (CAVV) is a value that allows VISA to validate the integrity of the Verified by Visa (VbV) transaction data for VISA 3Ds transactions.

Accepted values are:
- 0: CAVV authentication results invalid, no verification performed.
- 1: CAVV failed verification (authentication), Issuer approves authorization.
- 2: CAVV passed verification (authentication), Issuer approves authorization.
- 3: CAVV passed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- 4: CAVV failed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- 5: Not Used - Reserved.
- 6: CAVV not verified (VisaNet flag for Issuer not selected), Issuer approves authorization.
- 7: CAVV failed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- 8: CAVV passed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- 9: CAVV failed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- A: CAVV passed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- B: CAVV passed verification (authentication).
- C: CAVV failed verification (attempt).
- D: CAVV failed verification (authentication).
- none: Unknown.
Payment Events EnrichmentcavvusedStringImportant
Indicates if Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (CAVV) is enabled for the transaction. Before authentication it can already be known whether CAVV is enabled, the result (cavvresult) will only be known after authentication.

Accepted values are:
- true: CAVV enabled.
- false: CAVV disabled.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Events EnrichmentchannelsubtypeStringImportant
Indicates the subtype of channel used for a transaction. This is a subfield of channel.

Accepted values with their description:
- paymentlink: The payment is done using a link that is shared by the merchant, also known as PayByLink transactions.
- telephoneorder: MoTo transactions where the order and payment details are provided by telephone.
- mailorder: MoTo transactions where the order and payment details are provided by mail (not email).
- none: Unknown.
Payment Events EnrichmentcvvresultStringImportant
Card Verification Value (CVV) result is the outcome of a check performed on the security code provided by the shopper to see if it matches the code on file with the card issuer.

Accepted values:
- M: CVV2 Match.
- N: CVV2 No Match.
- P: Not processed.
- S: CVV2 should be on the card.
- U: Issuer does not participate in CVV2 service, or participates but has not provided the encryption keys, or both.
- X: No response from association.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Events EnrichmentcvvusedStringImportant
Indicates if Card Verification Value (CVV) checks are done for the transaction. Card Verification Value (CVV) checs are performed on the security code provided by the shopper to see if it matches the code on file with the card issuer. Before authentication it can already be known whether CVV is enabled, the result (cvvresult) will only be known after authentication.

Accepted values are:
- true: CVV checks are done.
- false: CVV checks are not done.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Events EnrichmenteciStringImportant
The Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI) is the value indicating the outcome of 3D-Secure (3DS) authentication attempted on transactions where 3DS is enabled. Different card schemes use different values.

Accepted values for Visa / American Express / JCB / Discover / Diners are:
- 05: Both cardholder and card issuing bank are 3D enabled. 3D card authentication is successful.
- 06: Either cardholder or card issuing bank is not 3D enrolled.
- 07: Authentication is unsuccessful or not attempted.
- none: Unknown.

Accepted values for MasterCard are:

- 02: Both cardholder and card issuing bank are 3D enabled. 3D card authentication is successful.
- 01: Either cardholder or card issuing bank is not 3D enrolled.
- 00: Authentication is unsuccessful or not attempted.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Events EnrichmentlastfourdigitsStringImportant
The last four digits of the card number.
Payment Events EnrichmentmerchantcountryStringImportant
Countrycode of country where the merchant is registered. Only ISO 3166-1 numeric country codes are accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentmerchantipStringImportant
The IP address of the merchant refers to the IP address where the merchant is registered. It is important to distinguish between the acceptor IP and the merchant IP. The acceptor IP is the location of the merchant's server where the payment is received. Therefore, a merchant can have multiple acceptor IPs, but only one merchant IP.
Payment Events EnrichmentmidStringImportant
The MID, or Merchant ID, is a unique identifier assigned to a merchant by their payment processor. It's important to note that the MID does not uniquely identify the merchant, but rather it identifies the merchant's account. This is because a merchant can have multiple MIDs, as they may have separate merchant accounts for different aspects of their business.
Payment Events EnrichmentparenttransactionidStringImportant
The identifier that links separate events of one transaction. The parenttransactionid can link auths with captures, voids and refunds and it can link auth_captures with refunds and voids. Any name or unique identifier is accepted.

For example: In order to link a capture with an authorization, you need to specify the transactionid of the corresponding auth or auth_capture as the parenttransactionid
Payment Events EnrichmentposentrymodeStringImportant
The Point of Sale (POS) entry mode is the code (3 digits) that identifies the method used to capture the PAN entry mode and the PIN entry capability. ISO 8583 (field 22) POS entry mode consists of 2 parts:
1. PAN (Primary Account Number) entry mode (the first 2 digits):
- 00: Unknown.
- 01: Key entered / Manual.
- 02: Magnetic stripe.
- 03: Bar code.
- 05: ICC (integrated circuit card, that is, chip).
- 07: Auto entry via contactless EMV.
- 10: Merchant has Cardholder Credentials on File.
- 80: Fallback from integrated circuit card (ICC) to magnetic stripe.
- 81: Electronic commerce.
- 91: Auto entry via contactless magnetic stripe.
2. PIN entry capability (the third digit):
- 0: Unknown
- 1: Terminal can accept PINs.
- 2: Terminal cannot accept PINs.
- none: Completely unknown posentrymode.
Payment Events EnrichmentrecurringStringImportant
Indicates if the payment is recurring or not. Accepted values are:
- true: Is recurring.
- false: is not recurring.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Events EnrichmentthreedsusedStringImportant
Indicates if 3D-Secure (3DS) is enabled for the transaction. Before authentication it can already be known whether 3DS is enabled, the result (eci) will only be known after authentication.

Accepted values are:
- true: 3-D Secure has been used.
- false: 3-D Secure has not been used.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Events EnrichmenttransactioncountryStringImportant
The country code of the shopper's device from which the card-not-present transaction is made. Only ISO 3166-1 numeric country codes are accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmenttransactionipStringImportant
IP-address of the shopper's device with which the card-not-present transaction is made.
Payment Events EnrichmentgatewaydeclinereasonStringImportant
The gateway decline reason is a code provided by the payment gateway indicating the reason for a declined transaction. Declinecodes differ from gateway to gateway, therefore the reason of the decline is preferred. Any declinereason is accepted. E.g. Application Incomplete, Duplicate, Fraud, Risk Thresholds, Card Disabled.
Payment Events EnrichmentshopperemailStringSupplementary
The email address of the shopper.
Payment Events EnrichmentshoppernameStringSupplementary
The name or identifier of the shopper. Any name or unique identifier is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentshopperphonenumberStringSupplementary
The phone number of the shopper.
Payment Events EnrichmentacceptorcityStringSupplementary
City where the card acceptor is located. Any city name is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentacceptoridStringSupplementary
The name or identifier of the acceptor. Any name or unique identifier is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentacceptorpostalcodeStringSupplementary
Postal code where the card acceptor is located. Any postal code is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentacceptorstatecodeStringSupplementary
State where the card acceptor is located. Any state code is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentacceptorstreetaddressStringSupplementary
Street address where the card acceptor is located. Without acceptorip this field becomes important. Any street address is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentacquirerStringSupplementary
The acquirer is a financial institution with whom the merchant has a bank account.
Payment Events EnrichmentacquirercountryStringSupplementary
Countrycode of country where the acquirer is registered. Only ISO 3166-1 numeric country codes are accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentauthresultStringSupplementary
Indicates if the transaction successfully passed all authentication and authorization checks. Accepted values are:
- fail: failed authentication and authorization.
- success: successful authentication and authorization.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Events EnrichmentbookingdateDoubleSupplementary
The date and time when a reservation or booking was made, applicable to services like hotels, flights, events, and car rentals. Only Unix Timestamps (UTC) are accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentbookingprocessingdateDoubleSupplementary
The date and time when a booking was processed or confirmed, which may differ from the booking date, applicable across various service sectors. Only Unix Timestamps (UTC) are accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentbookingreferenceStringSupplementary
A unique code or number for identifying and tracking a booking in various service industries, from travel to event management. This code is generally a customer-facing identifier provided as a confirmation of a booking, used by the customer to reference, manage, or modify their reservation.
Payment Events EnrichmentcardaccessStringSupplementary
Information on how the card was accessed. Accepted values are:
- pinaccess: Card is accessed by using a pincode.
- signatureaccess: Card is accessed by using a signature.
- hybrid: Card is accessed by using a pincode and a signature.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Events EnrichmentcardholderStringSupplementary
The name or identifier of the cardholder. This is not the same as the cardtoken, as a cardholder can have multiple credit cards (cardtokens). Any name or unique identifier is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentcardholderemailStringSupplementary
The email address of the card holder.
Payment Events EnrichmentcardholderphonenumberStringSupplementary
The phone number of the card holder.
Payment Events EnrichmentcheckindateDoubleSupplementary
The date when a customer or guest is scheduled to start their service, like arriving at a hotel, boarding a flight, or picking up a rental car. Only Unix Timestamps (UTC) are accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentcheckoutdateDoubleSupplementary
The date when the service concludes, such as the end of a hotel stay, return of a rental car, or completion of an event. Only Unix Timestamps (UTC) are accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentddresultStringSupplementary
The dynamic descriptor result returned by the processor is the text that represents businesses on bank account statements. Can be up to 22 characters long.
Payment Events EnrichmentdeviceidStringSupplementary
The mobile device id or any other device id. Any id is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentdeviceosStringSupplementary
The operating system (os) of the mobile device. Any os is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentdevicephonenumberStringSupplementary
The phone number of the mobile device. Any phone number is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentinitialrecurringStringSupplementary
Indicates if the transaction is the first of a series of recurring transactions. Accepted values are:

- true: The transaction is the first of a series of recurring transactions.
- false: The transaction is not the first of a series of recurring transactions.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Events EnrichmentmerchantadvicecodeStringSupplementary
The merchant advice code is a code provided by the merchant's payment processor that indicates the reason for a declined transaction, and how it can be retried.
Payment Events EnrichmentmerchantcityStringSupplementary
City where the merchant is registered. Without merchantip this field becomes important. Any city is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentmerchantpostalcodeStringSupplementary
Postal code where the merchant is registered. Without merchantip this field becomes important. Any postal code is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentmerchantstatecodeStringSupplementary
State where the merchant is registered. Without merchantip this field becomes important. Any state code is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentmerchantstreetaddressStringSupplementary
Street address where the merchant is registered. Without merchantip this field becomes important. Any street address is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentoperationdateDoubleSupplementary
The scheduled date and time for a specific operation, such as a hotel stay, flight, event attendance, or car rental period. Only Unix Timestamps (UTC) are accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentoperationidStringSupplementary
This is a unique identifier used internally by service providers to manage and track a variety of operational activities, including hotel reservations, flights, events, and car rentals, across different service-oriented industries.
Payment Events EnrichmentprocessorStringSupplementary
A payment processor is a company (often a third party) appointed by a merchant to handle transactions from various channels such as credit cards and debit cards for merchant acquiring banks.
Payment Events EnrichmentproxyusedStringSupplementary
Indicates whether a proxy server was used.
Payment Events EnrichmentrecurringparentidStringSupplementary
The identifier that links back to the initial recurring transaction (the first of a series of recurring transactions).
Payment Events EnrichmentsubmerchantStringSupplementary
The name or identifier of the submerchant, which is a merchant that processes under a payment service provider or payment facilitator. These services use one merchant account to process the transactions of many sub-merchants, thereby eliminating the need for each sub-merchant to open and maintain a fully-fledged merchant account. Any name or unique identifier is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentterminaltypeStringSupplementary
The type of unattended POS terminal, also known as Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) types.

Accepted values are:
- cat1: Automated Dispensing Machine
- cat2: Self Service Terminal
- cat3: Limited Amount Terminal
- cat4: InFlight Terminal
- cat6: Electronic Commerce
- cat7: Transponder
- cat9: MPOS (mobile POS)
- none: Unknown.
Payment Events EnrichmenttransactioncityStringSupplementary
City of the shopper's device with which the card-not-present transaction is made
Payment Events EnrichmenttransactionpostalcodeStringSupplementary
Postal code of the shopper's device with which the card-not-present transaction is made.
Payment Events EnrichmenttransactionstatecodeStringSupplementary
State of the shopper's device with which the card-not-present transaction is made.
Payment Events EnrichmenttransactionstreetaddressStringSupplementary
Street address of the shopper's device with which the card-not-present transaction is made.
Payment Events EnrichmentucafindicatorStringSupplementary
The Universal Cardholder Authentication (UCAF) indicator indicates to what extend the UCAF data collection is supported for MasterCard 3DS transactions.

Accepted values are:
- 0: UCAF data collection is not supported by the merchant.
- 1: UCAF data collection is supported by the merchant, and UCAF data may be present and contain an attempted AAV.
- 2: UCAF data collection is supported by the merchant and UCAF data must be present and contain a fully authenticated AAV.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Events EnrichmentkyclevelStringSupplementary
The Know-Your-Customer level of the merchant. Any indication level is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentlimitprofileStringSupplementary
The limit profile of a merchant is a set of limits imposed on the daily/weekly/monthly transaction amounts. A low limit profile number denotes low limits on all transactions.
Payment Events EnrichmentmerchantemailStringSupplementary
The email address of the merchant.
Payment Events EnrichmentmerchantturnoverStringSupplementary
Expected monthly turnover (auths and authcaptures) to be processed through the merchant’s account in euros.
Payment Events EnrichmentmerchanturlStringSupplementary
URL of merchant web site or page where transaction took place. Any URL is accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentregistrationdateDoubleSupplementary
The time UTC at which the merchant got registered. Only Unix Timestamps are accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentuboStringSupplementary
The full name of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO). The UBO is the individual that is registered as the owner of the merchant account.
Payment Events EnrichmentubocountryStringSupplementary
Countrycode of country where the ubo is registered. Only ISO 3166-1 numeric country codes are accepted.
Payment Events EnrichmentgatewayStringSupplementary
A payment gateway is a merchant service that facilitates a payment transaction by the transfer of information between a payment portal (such as a website, mobile phone or interactive voice response service) and the front end processor or acquiring bank.
Payment Events EnrichmentisoStringSupplementary
The full name of the Independent Sales Organisation (ISO) that accepts credit card payments for the merchant account that is in its portfolio.
Payment Events EnrichmentisocountryStringSupplementary
The country of the ISO.
Payment Events EnrichmentkyclevelnormDoubleSupplementary
A normalized know-your-customer level of the merchant between 0 and 1, where 0 is a totally unknown and untrusted merchant and 1 is a fully known and absolutely trusted merchant.
Payment Events EnrichmentocptenabledStringSupplementary
Indicates if ocpt is enabled for this merchant. When ocpt is enabled, payout back to the cardholder is supported.
Payment Events EnrichmentpayfacStringSupplementary
The full name of the Payment Facilitator that has the merchant account in its portfolio.
Payment Events EnrichmentpayfaccountryStringSupplementary
The country of the Payment Facilitator.
Payment Events EnrichmentuboemailStringSupplementary
The email address of the ubo.
Payment Events EnrichmentubophonenumberStringSupplementary
The phone number of the ubo.
Payment Events EnrichmentubostreetaddressStringSupplementary
Street address where the ubo is registered. Without merchantip this field becomes important. Any street address is accepted.
Payment Post-Authorization EnrichmenttransactionidStringCritical & Required
The unique identifier of the transaction event. Every transaction event, so auth, capture, auth_capture, etc., has its own unique ID.
Payment Post-Authorization EnrichmenttimestampDoubleCritical & Required
The UTC time at which the transaction was made. When sending events in realtime, this will usually be 'now'. Only Unix Timestamps are accepted.
Payment Post-Authorization EnrichmenttransactiontypeStringCritical & Required
The type of transaction event.

Accepted values are:
- auth: An authorization is used to reserve funds on the customer's card without yet deducting them.
- capture: A capture is used to immediately deduct authorised funds (up to the amount auth'd) from a customer's card. A capture should always be linked to at least one authorization via the parenttransactionid.
- auth_capture: A simultaneous combination of auth and capture in the same transaction, for when there is no need to perform these operations separately.
- refund: A refund transaction returns credit to a customer's payment method.
- void: A void transaction is the explicit discarding of authorization of funds.
- top_up: Increases the available credit of a credit card.
- incremental_auth: A transaction that increases the authorised amount of a confirmed auth transaction that has not yet been captured.
- reversal: A reversal cancels the transaction and re-credits the customer's payment method. This happens directly after the transaction has taken place but before the funds have been fully processed.
- none: Use only when the transactiontype is unknown.
Payment Post-Authorization EnrichmentcustomerStringCritical & Required
The name of Fraudio's client that makes the API call.
Payment Post-Authorization EnrichmentsuccessStringCritical & Required
This indicates the overall result of the transaction.

Accepted values are:
- true: Transaction fully completed without any failures (both technical and non-technical).
- false: Any part of the transaction failed or did not meet the necessary criteria, regardless of technical success.
- none: The outcome of the transaction is uncertain or not yet known.
Please use true only for fully successful transactions. Use false if there's any doubt or known issues, and none when outcome information is incomplete.
Payment Post-Authorization EnrichmentresponsecodeStringCritical & Required
The response code is a numerical code that indicates the outcome of authorization checks of issuing banks. The code must be a 2 character ISO8583-1987 response.
Payment Post-Authorization EnrichmentavsresultStringImportant
AVS (Address Verification System) result is the outcome of a check performed for Card-not-Present and MOTO transactions on the billing address provided by the shopper to see if the provided address matches the address on file with the card issuer.

Accepted values are:
- A: Addresses match/ZIP codes do not.
- B: Street addresses match, but ZIP codes not verified due to incompatible formats.
- C: Street address and postal/ZIP codes not verified due to incompatible formats.
- D: Street addresses and postal/ZIP codes match (VISA).
Customer name incorrect, ZIP codes match (AMEX / JCB).
- E: Customer name incorrect, billing address and ZIP code match.
- F: Street addresses and postal codes match (VISA). Customer name incorrect, billing address matches (AMEX / JCB).
- G: Address information not verified for international transaction.
- I: Address information not verified.
- K: Customer name matches.
- L: Customer name and ZIP code match.
- M: Street addresses and postal/ZIP codes match.
- N: No match.
- O: Customer name and billing address match.
- P: Postal/ZIP codes match. Acquirer sent both postal/ZIP code and street address, but street address not verified due to incompatible formats.
- R: Retry: System unavailable or timed out. Issuer ordinarily performs address verification but was unavailable.
- S: AVS not supported.
- T: Nine-digit zip code matches, address does not match.
- U: Information is unavailable.
- W: For U.S. Addresses, nine-digit postal code matches, address does not. For address outside the U.S. postal code matches, address does not (MasterCard / Discover). Customer name, billing address, and postal code are all correct ( AMEX / JCB).
- X: For U.S. addresses, nine-digit postal code and addresses matches. For addresses outside the U.S., postal code and address match.
- Y: Street address and postal/ZIP match.
- Z: Postal/ZIP match, street addresses do not match or street address not included in request.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Post-Authorization EnrichmentauthresultStringSupplementary
Indicates if the transaction successfully passed all authentication and authorization checks. Accepted values are:
- fail: failed authentication and authorization.
- success: successful authentication and authorization.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Post-Authorization EnrichmentcavvresultStringImportant
The Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (CAVV) is a value that allows VISA to validate the integrity of the Verified by Visa (VbV) transaction data for VISA 3Ds transactions.

Accepted values are:
- 0: CAVV authentication results invalid, no verification performed.
- 1: CAVV failed verification (authentication), Issuer approves authorization.
- 2: CAVV passed verification (authentication), Issuer approves authorization.
- 3: CAVV passed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- 4: CAVV failed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- 5: Not Used - Reserved.
- 6: CAVV not verified (VisaNet flag for Issuer not selected), Issuer approves authorization.
- 7: CAVV failed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- 8: CAVV passed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- 9: CAVV failed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- A: CAVV passed verification (attempt), Issuer approves authorization.
- B: CAVV passed verification (authentication).
- C: CAVV failed verification (attempt).
- D: CAVV failed verification (authentication).
- none: Unknown.
Payment Post-Authorization EnrichmentcvvresultStringImportant
Card Verification Value (CVV) result is the outcome of a check performed on the security code provided by the shopper to see if it matches the code on file with the card issuer.

Accepted values:
- M: CVV2 Match.
- N: CVV2 No Match.
- P: Not processed.
- S: CVV2 should be on the card.
- U: Issuer does not participate in CVV2 service, or participates but has not provided the encryption keys, or both.
- X: No response from association.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Post-Authorization EnrichmentddresultStringSupplementary
The dynamic descriptor result returned by the processor is the text that represents businesses on bank account statements. Can be up to 22 characters long.
Payment Post-Authorization EnrichmenteciStringImportant
The Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI) is the value indicating the outcome of 3D-Secure (3DS) authentication attempted on transactions where 3DS is enabled. Different card schemes use different values.

Accepted values for Visa / American Express / JCB / Discover / Diners are:
- 05: Both cardholder and card issuing bank are 3D enabled. 3D card authentication is successful.
- 06: Either cardholder or card issuing bank is not 3D enrolled.
- 07: Authentication is unsuccessful or not attempted.
- none: Unknown.

Accepted values for MasterCard are:

- 02: Both cardholder and card issuing bank are 3D enabled. 3D card authentication is successful.
- 01: Either cardholder or card issuing bank is not 3D enrolled.
- 00: Authentication is unsuccessful or not attempted.
- none: Unknown.
Payment Post-Authorization EnrichmentgatewaydeclinereasonStringImportant
The gateway decline reason is a code provided by the payment gateway indicating the reason for a declined transaction. Declinecodes differ from gateway to gateway, therefore the reason of the decline is preferred. Any declinereason is accepted. E.g. Application Incomplete, Duplicate, Fraud, Risk Thresholds, Card Disabled.
Payment Post-Authorization EnrichmentmerchantadvicecodeStringSupplementary
The merchant advice code is a code provided by the merchant's payment processor that indicates the reason for a declined transaction, and how it can be retried.
Payment Post-Authorization EnrichmentucafindicatorStringSupplementary
The Universal Cardholder Authentication (UCAF) indicator indicates to what extend the UCAF data collection is supported for MasterCard 3DS transactions.

Accepted values are:
- 0: UCAF data collection is not supported by the merchant.
- 1: UCAF data collection is supported by the merchant, and UCAF data may be present and contain an attempted AAV.
- 2: UCAF data collection is supported by the merchant and UCAF data must be present and contain a fully authenticated AAV.
- none: Unknown.
Dispute EventstransactionidStringCritical & Required
The unique identifier of the transaction event. Every transaction event, so auth, capture, auth_capture, etc., has its own unique ID.
Dispute EventstimestampDoubleCritical & Required
The UTC time at which the transaction was made. When sending events in realtime, this will usually be 'now'. Only Unix Timestamps are accepted.
Dispute EventsreporttypeStringCritical & Required
The type of fraud report. Please note: 1st chargebacks and fraud notifications are the priority here, especially during integration!

Accepted values are:
- fraud notification: Fraud activity reported by the (cardholder's) bank. Examples are Visa's TC40 files and MasterCard's SAFE files.
- 1st chargeback: First stage of the chargeback where the disputed amount is withdrawn from the merchant's account.
- information supplied: Defense documents against the 1st chargeback are supplied.
- chargeback reversal: The disputed amount is transferred back to the merchant's account.
- pre-arbitration: A stage in a chargeback dispute where the issuer, unconvinced with the merchant's provided evidence, escalates the case for further review, serving as an intermediate step before potential full arbitration.
- 2nd chargeback: 2nd and definite chargeback where the disputed amount is withdrawn from the merchant's account.
Dispute EventsmerchantStringCritical & Required
The name or identifier of the merchant. This field uniquely identifies the merchant, and should not be confused with the MID. Any name or unique identifier is accepted.
Dispute EventschargebackreasonStringCritical & Required
Reason for the chargeback.
Dispute EventsfraudimportdateDoubleImportant
Timestamp when a dispute was opened.
Dispute EventschargebackidStringSupplementary
External ID of this chargeback, unique for the customer.
Dispute EventsfraudreasonStringSupplementary
Reason why the transaction was fraudulent.
Dispute EventsamountDoubleSupplementary
The transaction amount in the unit specified by the 'currencyunit' field. Note: The unit used in this field should be explicitly stated in the 'currencyunit' field.
Dispute EventscurrencyStringSupplementary
The 3-digit ISO code for the currency used in the transaction.
Dispute EventscurrencyunitStringSupplementary
This field defines the unit of currency used in the 'amount' field. Accepts only major (e.g., 12.30) or minor (e.g., 1230) unit values. This choice should align with the unit used in the 'amount' field.
Dispute EventsstatusidStringSupplementary
The Status ID for a dispute or chargeback event is a unique identifier indicating the current status of the process, such as pending, lost, or won. It tracks the event's progression from initiation to resolution.
Merchant Account InformationmerchantStringSupplementary
The name or identifier of the merchant. This field uniquely identifies the merchant, and should not be confused with the MID. Any name or unique identifier is accepted.
Merchant Account InformationmcccodeStringSupplementary
A Merchant Category Code (MCC) is a four-digit number listed for financial services. An MCC is used to classify a business by the types of goods or services it provides. Only ISO 18245 mcc codes are accepted.
Merchant Account InformationacquirerStringSupplementary
The acquirer is a financial institution with whom the merchant has a bank account.
Merchant Account InformationacquirercountryStringSupplementary
Countrycode of country where the acquirer is registered. Only ISO 3166-1 numeric country codes are accepted.
Merchant Account InformationmerchantcityStringSupplementary
City where the merchant is registered. Without merchantip this field becomes important. Any city is accepted.
Merchant Account InformationmerchantcountryStringSupplementary
Countrycode of country where the merchant is registered.Only ISO 3166-1 numeric country codes are accepted
Merchant Account InformationmerchantipStringSupplementary
The IP address of the merchant refers to the IP address where the merchant is registered. It is important to distinguish between the acceptor IP and the merchant IP. The acceptor IP is the location of the merchant's server where the payment is received. Therefore, a merchant can have multiple acceptor IPs, but only one merchant IP.
Merchant Account InformationmerchantpostalcodeStringSupplementary
Postal code where the merchant is registered. Without merchantip this field becomes important. Any postal code is accepted.
Merchant Account InformationmerchantstatecodeStringSupplementary
State where the merchant is registered. Without merchantip this field becomes important. Any state code is accepted.
Merchant Account InformationmerchantstreetaddressStringSupplementary
Street address where the merchant is registered. Without merchantip this field becomes important. Any street address is accepted.
Merchant Account InformationmidStringSupplementary
The MID, or Merchant ID, is a unique identifier assigned to a merchant by their payment processor. It's important to note that the MID does not uniquely identify the merchant, but rather it identifies the merchant's account. This is because a merchant can have multiple MIDs, as they may have separate merchant accounts for different aspects of their business.
Merchant Account InformationsubmerchantStringSupplementary
The name or identifier of the submerchant, which is a merchant that processes under a payment service provider or payment facilitator. These services use one merchant account to process the transactions of many sub-merchants, thereby eliminating the need for each sub-merchant to open and maintain a fully-fledged merchant account. Any name or unique identifier is accepted.
Merchant Account InformationisoStringSupplementary
The full name of the Independent Sales Organisation (ISO) that accepts credit card payments for the merchant account that is in its portfolio.
Merchant Account InformationisocountryStringSupplementary
The country of the ISO.
Merchant Account InformationkyclevelStringSupplementary
The Know-Your-Customer level of the merchant. Any indication level is accepted.
Merchant Account InformationkyclevelnormDoubleSupplementary
A normalized know-your-customer level of the merchant between 0 and 1, where 0 is a totally unknown and untrusted merchant and 1 is a fully known and absolutely trusted merchant.
Merchant Account InformationlimitprofileStringSupplementary
The limit profile of a merchant is a set of limits imposed on the daily/weekly/monthly transaction amounts. A low limit profile number denotes low limits on all transactions.
Merchant Account InformationmerchantemailStringSupplementary
The email address of the merchant.
Merchant Account InformationmerchantturnoverStringSupplementary
Expected monthly turnover (auths and authcaptures) to be processed through the merchant’s account in euros.
Merchant Account InformationmerchanturlStringSupplementary
URL of merchant web site or page where transaction took place. Any URL is accepted.
Merchant Account InformationocptenabledStringSupplementary
Indicates if ocpt is enabled for this merchant. When ocpt is enabled, payout back to the cardholder is supported.
Merchant Account InformationpayfacStringSupplementary
The full name of the Payment Facilitator that has the merchant account in its portfolio.
Merchant Account InformationpayfaccountryStringSupplementary
The country of the Payment Facilitator.
Merchant Account InformationregistrationdateDoubleSupplementary
The time UTC at which the merchant got registered. Only Unix Timestamps are accepted.
Merchant Account InformationuboStringSupplementary
The full name of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO). The UBO is the individual that is registered as the owner of the merchant account.
Merchant Account InformationubocountryStringSupplementary
Countrycode of country where the ubo is registered. Only ISO 3166-1 numeric country codes are accepted.
Merchant Account InformationuboemailStringSupplementary
The email address of the ubo.
Merchant Account InformationubophonenumberStringSupplementary
The phone number of the ubo.
Merchant Account InformationubostreetaddressStringSupplementary
Street address where the ubo is registered. Without merchantip this field becomes important. Any street address is accepted.